Mountainunicycle Meeting Elsbet

Last weekend I participated in the Elsbet Mountain Unicycle Convention in Liechtenstein. The meeting was in the middle off the Liechtensteiner Mountains. Around 60 unicyclists enjoyed four days off mountainunicycling on perfect trails with the luxus off beeing shuttle up most parts off the mountains. Here are some impressions from the biggest tour we made Read more about Mountainunicycle Meeting Elsbet[…]

Saison Review 2012

This Year has been an awsome unicycle year again. Luckily I managed it to travel and unicycle a lot which gave me many new experiences. Some highlights where my performance at the „mini united“ festival, competing at the unicycle world championships in brixen and unicycling down the  cima ombretta orientale in the dolomites. Thanks to Read more about Saison Review 2012[…]

Descent from a three thousand-metre peak on a unicycle

My latest story: Lutz Eichholz from Kaiserslautern, Germany ranks among the best unicyclists in the world. The four time world champion and world record holder always pushes the limits on his single-track vehicle with one wheel. He has been featured in TV shows around the globe. Lutz likes to practice his sport in alpine terrain, Read more about Descent from a three thousand-metre peak on a unicycle[…]

German Unicycle Downhill Competition

The German Unicycle Downhill Championship took place in the Bikepark Silbersattel in Steinach last weekend. The race was really successful for me and in both off my runs no german rider went faster than me. In muddy and went conditions I was able to ride the track down with only one mistake in each run. Read more about German Unicycle Downhill Competition[…]