Saison Review 2012

This Year has been an awsome unicycle year again. Luckily I managed it to travel and unicycle a lot which gave me many new experiences. Some highlights where my performance at the „mini united“ festival, competing at the unicycle world championships in brixen and unicycling down the  cima ombretta orientale in the dolomites. Thanks to all friends and sponsors who helped me to made all this possible!

Here you can see some pictures off my trips:

Outdoor Filmfestival in Bratislava (Picture in the bikepark Bischofsmais on the way back)

Slackline-Tools Team meeting in Rosenheim

Performance at the „mini united“ festival (picture somewhere between marseille and monaco)Unicycle descent from over 3000m in italy

Unicycle Worldchampionships in Brixen

Performance in Hong Kong.



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